
Redirected from OPN2002

The OPN2002 is one of Opticon's most popular Bluetooth scanners. Armed with a variety of connection options and the ability to run customizable embedded applications created with the C-Library Kit, the OPN2002 is an incredibly versatile scanner in the same attractive form factor of the OPN2001.

Concepts and Definitions

  • Fixed PIN: a PIN code that is preset in the OPN2002. Typically the last 4 characters of the OPN2002's Bluetooth name.
  • Dynamic PIN: a PIN code that is determined at pair time by the Bluetooth host.
  • HID: Human Interface Device. In the case of the OPN2002, it's recognized as a Bluetooth HID keyboard, meaning that each character of a scanned barcode is transmitted to the host as a keyboard press. HID devices cannot be used as a master at pair time, but after pairing with a Bluetooth host, can switch roles and become master devices for reconnection purposes.
  • SPP (VCP): Serial Port Profile (Virtual COM Port). In the case of the OPN2002, it sends data serially to a serial port on the Bluetooth host. Software running on the host can read from that serial port to capture the data.
  • Embedded Firmware: The embedded OS and application that is present on the OPN2002, and required for its function.
  • Embedded OS: A binary common to all OPN2002s that enables the OPN2002 to function and exposes an API that the OPN2002's embedded applications utilize to "drive" the device.
  • Embedded Application: A binary produced either by Opticon or by a third party utilizing the C-Library Kit; implements the "user interface" and drives the behavior of the OPN2002.
  • Default Firmware, OS, or Application: Refers to standard Opticon software for the OPN2002, typically installed on the OPN2002 at the factory and present out-of-the-box. The OS version string is always RBGVXXYY, where XX denotes the major revision and YY denotes the minor revision. The application version string is RFGAAABB, where AAA denotes the major revision and BB denotes the minor revision. Occasionally, the first 'A' in RFGAAABB is a letter, denoting the Opticon office responsible for developing the software.

Supported Platforms

The OPN2002 is usable on wide variety of platforms and Bluetooth stacks.

Supported platforms include:

Using The OPN-2002

Using the OPN2002 with an iOS Device

Use the Quick Start Guide - iPhone/iPad when you wish to pair and connect your OPN2002 with and iOS device such as the iPhone or iPad.

The keyboard Toggle Feature is Activated by pressing the Clear/Function key. Just be sure your cursor is active within a text input field/box.

OPN2002 iOS Configuration Video

Using the OPN2002 with an Android Device

Bluetooth HID mode

Bluetooth HID is the easiest and fastest method for using your OPN2002 with an Android device. Unfortunately many older Android devices do not have support for Bluetooth HID, if your device does not support Bluetooth HID then please move on to the next section Bluetooth SPP.

  1. Ensure your Android device supports Bluetooth HID.
  2. Enable Bluetooth on your Android Device.
  3. Follow the instructions on the second page of the Quick Start Guide.

Bluetooth SPP mode

With older Android devices that do not support Bluetooth HID, we can use Bluetooth SPP with a software wedge like OpticonRL to translate barcode data into keystrokes.

This video tutorial may also be helpful, as it illustrates the process below.

Initial Setup

  1. Install OpticonRL and the OpticonRL Soft Keyboard from the Android Marketplace or Google Play store. You can locate OpticonRL by searching for "OpticonRL" with no spaces.
  2. Print the first page of the Generic Quick Start Guide. Scan the barcode in step 1 to set the OPN-2002 to Bluetooth-SPP mode, and then scan the barcode in step 2 to set the PIN code on the OPN-2002 to "0000."
  3. Turn Bluetooth on on the Android tablet. In most cases this can be accomplished by dragging the status bar at the top of the screen down and then tapping once on the Bluetooth icon.
  4. With the OPN-2002, hold down the small key until the device chirps and the LED starts flashing blue. This indicates that it in discoverable mode.
  5. On the Android tablet, open OpticonRL. Choose “Scan for Devices.” Select your OPN-2002 from the resulting list, and follow the instructions to pair it. When the device prompts you for a PIN code, enter "0000." The OPN-2002 will beep once and stop flashing blue when the connection is successful.
  6. Next, enable the OpticonRL Soft Keyboard, as Android disables any keyboard you’ve installed from the marketplace as a security feature. In most cases this can be found in the Settings app under Keyboards and Languages.
  7. Finally open up any app with a text field or text editor in it. Tap and hold on the text field to change the input method to “OpticonRL Soft Keyboard.” From here, scan barcodes.

Usage Instructions

If the OPN-2002 disconnects from the Android device for any reason, you can re-establish the connection by once again putting the OPN-2002 into discoverable mode using the small key, then opening OpticonRL back up. OpticonRL automatically seeks out and reestablishes connections with any paired Opticon devices when it starts up.

If you would like to set the OPN-2002 to press ENTER after every barcode, print this Opticonfigure barcode sheet, then scan each barcode on it from top to bottom.

As a Bluetooth-enabled Batch Scanner

Your OPN-2002 is capable of memorizing data on command using one particular alternate firmware. These instructions will guide you through the initial set up and usage of your OPN-2002 as a Bluetooth batch scanner.

Initial Setup

First, the correct firmware needs to be loaded onto the OPN-2002. After that, the OPN-2002 needs to be paired to a device to ensure a smooth data download process.

  1. Follow our firmware update instructions to load the latest Firmware: OS file and the latest Firmware: Bluetooth & storage Demo files onto your OPN-2002. The appropriate files can be found [[#Software|further down the page].
  2. Pair your OPN-2002 with a computer system by following any one of the instruction sets below, or by using the appropriate [[#Documents|Quick Start Guide] located further down the page.
  3. Now, to set the OPN-2002 into Batch Mode, print the data memorization Opticonfigure sheet, then scan "SET," then your preferred mode of memorization, and finally "END."

Note that in most cases either the "BM1" or "BM2" barcodes are most appropriate to enable Bluetooth batch mode. BM1 will cause the OPN-2002 to memorize data while it's not connected to any system, while BM2 will cause it to memorize always except when memorizing is disabled.

The device will flash a green LED to indicate that it has stored data. It will memorize data even when it has no paired devices, and will transmit to the next bluetooth device that it connects with.

Usage Instructions

We'll need an additional set of command barcodes to control the OPN-2002's memorization behavior. Print this barcode sheet. To use these special command barcodes, you only have to scan the barcode for the particular command. There is no need to also scan "SET" and "END" as those are only for changing settings, not for issuing commands.

  • "Clear All Memorized Data" will erase any stored barcodes on the device.
  • "Start/continue memorizing" will initiate memorization. You will have to scan this barcode if your scanner is still transmitting while it's connected to a Bluetooth host device.
  • "Stop/pause memorizing" will allow you to begin immediately transmitting scans. Scanning this command will also cause your scanner to immediately transmit any memorized data. The OPN-2002 will attempt to connect to any paired device within range.
  • "Transmit Memorized Data" forces the OPN-2002 to transmit any memorized data(if possible), but does not cause it to stop memorizing. It will attempt to connect to any paired device within range.

Using an OPN2002 with a Windows computer in HID mode

Follow the instructions below to set up your OPN2002 with Windows XP in HID mode.

  1. Make sure that your computer has bluetooth capabilities. If it doesn't purchase a bluetooth dongle, install the dongle and the BT drivers for it
  2. Select Start
  3. Select Control Panel
  4. Make sure you are in classic view, if you are not then switch to classic view
  5. Double click the icon that says Bluetooth Devices
  6. Under the devices tab select Add
  7. follow steps one and two of the OPN2002 Quick Start Guide for HID
  8. Select my device is set up and ready to be found.
  9. Select the OPN2002_2D1D device from the list of devices
  10. Select Next (I will describe the process for "choose a passkey for me" although you can select one of the other options.)
  11. complete step 3 of the OPN2002 Quick Start Guide for HID
  12. Windows will pop up with a message that says"The Bluetooth device was successfully connected..." Select Finish
  13. Open a program with a text field like Notepad, and scan a barcode to make sure it worked

Using the OPN2002 with a Macintosh Computer in Bluetooth HID mode.

Follow the instructions below to set up your OPN2002 with a Macintosh Computer in HID mode.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 of the second page in this OPN2002 Bluetooth Quick Start Guide for the OPN-2002.
  2. Open the System Preferences application.SystemPreferences.png
  3. Select Bluetooth.Bluetooth.png
  4. Select the + sign in the bottom left hand corner to set up a new device.
  5. Make sure the blue light is still flashing on your OPN2002.
  6. You should see an OPN2002 in the list of devices, and a Keyboard icon should appear to the left.
  7. Select Continue.
  8. The Mac should present you with a pin code, and the OPN2002 should start beeping.
  9. Scan each of the numbers using the numbered barcodes on the Quick Start Guide, then scan END to complete the pairing.

Using the OPN2002 as a companion to an H19 Windows Mobile device (HID mode)

Follow the instructions below to set up your OPN2002 with an H19 Windows Mobile device in HID mode.

  1. Make sure both your OPN2002 and your H19 are charged.
  2. Turn on your H19.
  3. Navigate to the following location. Start->Settings->Connections->Wireless Manager
  4. Turn bluetooth on if it is not already on. Bluetooth Is on when the button with the Bluetooth symbol is yellow.
  5. Select OK to close out of the window.
  6. Select Bluetooth.
  7. Locate your OPN2002 and OPN2002 Quick Start Guide for HID.
  8. Follow steps one and two of the OPN2002 Quick Start Guide for HID.
  9. On the H19 select "Add new device...".
  10. Select the OPN2002_2D1D device from the list of devices, then select next.
  11. Enter in a numeric passcode.(Keep in mind the fact that you will have to scan the numbers you choose in the next step.)
  12. complete step 3 of the OPN2002 Quick Start Guide for HID
  13. Select the check box for input device.
  14. Select finish.
  15. OPN2002_2D1D should now be in the list of bluetooth devices.
  16. Open a program with a text field like Notepad, and scan a barcode to verify it you have paired successfully.

Using the OPN2002 as a batch mode data collector with the OPN200X PC applicaiton

The steps below change the functionality of the OPN2002 so that it will act like the OPN2001 data collector.

  1. Download the "Firmware: OPN2001 Simulation Application" found in the Downloads Section of this page.
  2. Use the firmware loading instructions detailed in the Firmware Loading section of this page to load the firmware on to your OPN2002.
  3. Download the "All In One Installer Package" and the "OPN2001 PC Companion Application" from the Downloads Section of this page. Install them on a windows computer. Note: these two items will need to be installed on every windows computer you will want to use to collect data from the OPN2002.
  4. Scan some barcodes, plug the OPN2002 into the computer and do a test. Note: more detailed use instructions can be found in the "User Manual: OPN2001 Simulation Application" which can be downloaded from the Downloads Section of this page.

Changing the Volume

To change volume options on your OPN2002, please print and scan your desired setting from pages U124-125 in the Universal Menu Book. To use these settings, scan the SET barcode followed by your desired setting and then the END barcode. To mute the beeper while scanning print and scan the code linked here.

Firmware Loading

Watch Our Videos.jpg

While there are multiple components to the firmware on an OPN-2002 (Bootloader, OS and Application) the instructions to load them individually or all together are the same. In most cases, all you'll need to do is load the OS, and the proper Application file for your needs.


  1. Download the Firmware: Bootloader, Firmware: OS, and Appload for this process available in the Software Downloads section. You may also need Opticon's USB Drivers, so please download those as well.
  2. Download the appropriate Firmware: Application file for your needs. This is most likely to be the Bluetooth Application, however there are other Applications available. A complete list can be found in the Downloads Section at the bottom of the page.
  3. Extract the OPN2002 Bootloader and Firmware - OS zip files, the Appload.zip file, the USB Drivers Installer.zip file, and the OPN2002 Firmware - Application files into a convenient folder.
  4. Install Appload by double-clicking the 'Appload Setup.exe' file, which will start the install wizard. The defaults are fine in most cases, so keep clicking 'Next' until you are finished. Appload will launch at the end of the install process.
  5. Connect the OPN-2002 to your PC

Install the Firmware

  1. Launch Appload if it is not already running.
  2. We first need to choose the correct COM port. From the main Appload window, select 'Settings' > 'Port', then choose the port that says 'Opticon USB Code Reader'. If your Scanner does not show up you may need to scan the barcode linked here
  3. Now we can start downloading the OS and Application. For each of the .hex files you downloaded and extracted above, please choose 'File', then 'Download', then navigate to and select the file. You should see a progress indicator and the words 'Initializing IRdA' if this is working.
  4. When complete the OPN-2002 will emit a series of beeps and reboot. When the LED is steady RED (indicating charging) or GREEN (indicating fully charged) the process is complete and you may disconnect your OPN-2002 from the PC. instruction manuals for the various applications are available for download in the Downloads section.


To restore to factory defaults or in case the device is not responding, there is a feature that will allow a reset of the OPN2002. To perform a reset, hold down both buttons (clear/function and scan) for 30-40 seconds. This will reset the device and clear past pairing information. Once reset the pairing process will need to be performed to reconnect the OPN2002 to your device or computer.


The OPN2002 does not need an SDK for the platforms it supports. Given the fact that it can transmit data serially via Bluetooth SPP or its USB port, or can transmit data as a Bluetooth HID (keyboard) device, SDKs for the various platforms the OPN2002 supports are not required (except for Windows Phone). This is because the manufacturers of those platforms provide APIs for accessing serial ports and managing Bluetooth connections.

When talking about an SDK in relation to the OPN2002, what is referred to is the C-Library Kit. With the C-Library Kit installed, developers are able to create and customize embedded applications for the OPN2002, thus changing and customizing its behavior to better suit their use cases.

Windows Phone SDK: Creating a Windows Phone 8 application for the Bluetooth OPN2002

Introduction Although Opticon's scanners rely on Bluetooth HID-mode or SPP-mode profiles to communicate barcode scans with a host device, Windows Phone 7 & 8 do not ship with support for these profiles out of the box. Rather, they ship with support for the RFCOMM protocol that HID and SPP-mode profiles are built upon. The purpose of this SDK is to provide SPP-mode support so that an app developer can transmit and receive data, and manage the connection, all from within their Windows Phone app. This support can allow app developers to create apps which leverage the features of an Opticon Bluetooth device to facilitate fast data acquisition using a Windows Phone device.

Using the SDK

For complete SDK documentation, see the "OpticonBluetoothAPIDocs.chm" contained in the SDK Download below. To utilize the SDK, simply add a reference to the OpticonBluetoothAPI.dll file in Visual Studio by following Microsoft's tutorial: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wkze6zky.aspx Once this is done, all of the functions listed in the OpticonBluetoothAPIDocs.chm help file will be available. Please see the reference for more information about specific functions. The reference is contained within a chm help file, OpticonBluetoothAPIDocs.chm which should have been included with your copy of the SDK.

  1. Download the "Windows SDK kit" found in the Software Downloads Section of this page.

Example An example Visual Studio project is also included with the SDK, to demonstrate how to integrate an Opticon OPN-2002 or OPN-2005 using the API. When the included solution is built, it will create an application for Windows Phone 8. This application is deployable on a live device, and it should provide a good idea of the capabilities of the API. The example application supports the following features: Connection Management: The application can be commanded to search through the list of paired devices for supported devices. To do this, choose the Find Paired Devices button. If a supported device has been paired with the phone, it will be displayed in this list. Touch the desired device and choose Connect to selected to establish a connection. Bidirectional Communication: To test receipt from the scanner, simply scan any supported barcode. The barcode data will appear in the application. To test transmission to the scanner, touch the Send Z1 button. This causes a command to be transmitted to the scanner. As a result, the firmware versions for the connected scanner will be displayed as output. Please note that although the app supports managing connections, initial pairings with supported devices must still be created using the Windows Phone settings app or the Windows Phone Bluetooth API. See Microsoft's Knowledge Base for more information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/jj207007(v=vs.105).aspx Supported Devices Currently, only the OPN-2002 and OPN-2005 are tested and known to work with this API. Please contact Opticon Technical Support for more information about support for our other devices.

Application Development

The OPN2002 firmware is split into two levels, an Operating System and an Application. The Operating System Exposes the functions of the hardware to the Application level firmware, and the Application determines how the device behaves. The Operating System is developed and maintained solely by Opticon, however anyone can make an application for the OPN2002 using using Opticon's C-Library Kit and the included GCC WinArm Compiler.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whenever I connect my OPN-2002 to my iOS device (iPad, iPhone, etc) the keyboard goes away. How do I get it back without disconnecting the OPN-2002?

The root of this issue is that the virtual keyboard on an iOS device is hard coded to disappear whenever a Bluetooth-HID (keyboard) device is paired. There are two solutions to this problem.
  • Option one is for software developers. If this is not you skip to option two. It is possible to write software that replaces the virtual keyboard on the iOS device. It is then your option to make the virtual keyboard remain present at all times. Opticon provides sample code for this option and it is freely downloadable at the link below. For assistance integrating this code or any other code with Opticon products please ask about our Developer Support Program.
Virtual Keyboard - iPad: http://ftp.opticonusa.com/OPN2002/Software/iOS/Opticon%20iPad%20keyboard%20EGFS0560.zip
Virtual Keypad - iPhone: http://ftp.opticonusa.com/OPN2002/Software/iOS/Opticon%20iPhone%20keyboard%20EGFS0570.zip
  • Option two is more simple. Please follow the instructions provided on this page in the Upgrading section for both the Operating System and the Application. When done simply pair your OPN-2002 to your iOS device as normal then scan the barcode +-IOSON-+ found in the document linked below. Now simply tapping the small function key on the OPN-2002 will toggle the virtual keypad up and down. You can still scan with the keyboard both up and down.
iOS barcodes to enable virtual keyboard toggle feature: http://ftp.opticonusa.com/OPN2002/Documents/iOS%20Feature%20Menu%20Codes.pdf

I'm trying to connect the OPN2002 to my Mac in SPP (VCP) mode, but I can't seem to get the pairing to complete.

So Unix machines - which is what a Mac essentially is - have their serial ports implemented in a different way, from what you might be used to with a Windows PC. When a serial device is connected to the Mac, and the kernel is able to map a valid kernel driver to it, a POSIX device file is created under /dev/ for that serial port. After that, programs can read and write to this file, which becomes the same thing as reading and writing from a serial port. Windows uses a similar concept with COM (serial) ports, just implemented slightly differently.
Now, when you connect the OPN2002 to the Mac using Bluetooth VCP (SPP), one of these POSIX device files is created in /dev/. To finish the initial connection, that file must be opened with a program that is able to open device files. To test this yourself, you can use the Terminal program, and run the 'cat' command against the new file that was created under /dev/ while the pairing process was taking place. After that, the initial pairing should complete successfully.

I have the OPN2001 Simulation Application installed on my OPN2002. The OPN2002 seems to behave as an OPN2001 in USB mode, but how do I know if the OPN2002 has stored data or not when using Bluetooth?

Have you tried the csp2GetDSR() function (GetDSR() for the .NET wrapper)? It simulates the RTS signal over Bluetooth VCP; the RTS signal is normally how the OPN2001 signals that it has data to be downloaded. DSR stands for Data-Signal-Ready.

Why doesn't my pairing seem to finish when I try to connect my OPN2002 in SPP mode?

The (outgoing) serial port needs to be opened on the Bluetooth host after pairing is complete if the OPN2002 is connecting as a slave; if the OPN2002 is connecting as a master, the (incoming) serial port on the Bluetooth host must be open prior to the pairing attempt for the pairing to succeed.

Why doesn't the OPN2002 reconnect? I'm paired and everything!

If the OPN2002 is to reconnect in slave mode, the user must make the OPN2002 connectable first. With the OPN2002's standard Bluetooth Application, this is done by holding the small clear key for 5 seconds. All of the aformentioned is true for both HID and SPP mode; however, SPP has the additional caveat of the Bluetooth host opening its (outgoing) serial port in order for the reconnection to truly finish. In master mode, the user must make the OPN2002 initiate a reconnection to the Bluetooth host (with the standard Bluetooth Application, by holding the trigger key for 5 seconds); however, SPP has the additional caveat of the Bluetooth host having already opened its (incoming) serial port prior to the reconnection attempt in order for the reconnection to ultimately finish.

I bought one of those cool CRD2000 things, which holds and charges 10 OPN2002s. Can I use that to load software on, or download data from, multiple OPN2002s at once?

Yes. After the release of OS RBGV0207 and Appload version 1.39, it became possible to update the software on multiple OPN2002s in a single CRD2000. It operates in a sequential fashion, moving from one OPN2002 to the next.
If you have an embedded application on the OPN2002 that stores scanned barcode data, you can also download the stored data from multiple OPN2002s using Opticon's NetO32 program - assuming each OPN2002 has a unique terminal ID set.

Will my COM port change if I reconnect my scanner in SPP mode, but I already have a pairing established between the two devices?

It depends. Are you reconnecting the OPN2002 as a master or a slave? If you're reconnecting the OPN2002 in the same mode you first paired it to the host with, you'll use that same serial port you opened on the host when the pairing took place. If you're reconnecting in the other mode, it will be with a separate serial port.

Is there a way to make the OPN2002 connectable but not discoverable?

Uh-uh. (They both occur when you hold down the little clear key; the context in which you use it will determine if the OPN2002 is ultimately connectable or discoverable. For example, if you've previously paired the OPN2002 with a host device, and you want that same host to reconnect to the OPN2002, holding down the clear key makes it connectable in this context; if you want to connect the OPN2002 to a different host device, holding down the clear key makes it discoverable in that context.)

Can I send commands to my OPN2002 over Bluetooth SPP?

Sure. With the OPN2002's default firmware (OS and application), you can send Universal Menu Book commands, in the format <ESC><COMMAND><CR>. E.g. <ESC>Z1<CR> returns the software version. You can also customize the OPN2002's embedded application to support whatever commands and/or protocol you define.

Can I connect to the OPN2002 when it's not discoverable?

No; a Bluetooth device must be discoverable and/or connectable to be connected to. With default firmware, the clear key serves to toggle making the OPN2002 discoverable AND connectable simultaneously; given the limited number of buttons on the device, this is necessary.

Why doesn't the OPN2002 have an "Eject key" function, like the Apple Bluetooth keyboard, to quickly toggle the iPad/iPhone/iPod system soft keyboard?

This feature has been added as of version RBGV0216, and can be enabled by using the "Quick Start Guide - iPhone/iPad". See the Downloads section above.

Am I able to change the defaults of the OPN2002's embedded application and the OPN2002 itself?

Yes. You can either customize the embedded application to set new defaults for the application, the scan engine, or the device itself, by customizing the embedded application's source code, recompiling it, and loading the resultant binary on the OPN2002 (requires the C-Library Kit; or you can use the Universal Menu Book to configure certain options and have them "memorized" (saved to flash).

Can I customize, or provide my own handlers, for certain Universal Menu Book codes?

Yes; check out the ExecuteMenuLabel() function in the C-Library Kit's help file.

I can't pair to a PC using the WIDCOMM stack when my OPN2002 is in HID mode. Help!

What's happening here is that the WIDCOMM stack is presuming that it will dynamically determine the PIN code the OPN2002 should supply during pair time. If your OPN2002 is set to use a predefined, fixed PIN code, then the pairing process will error out. Setting the OPN2002 to use a dynamic PIN code will fix the problem and enable you to pair the OPN2002 to your PC.


LED indicators

  • Flashing RED: OS not installed or corrupt
  • Flashing ORANGE: Application not installed or corrupt, potentially caused by low battery as well
  • Flashing Blue (dependent on application): In Bluetooth "discoverable" mode (master or slave)
  • Flashing Blue slowly (dependent on application): actively paired with a device and connected

With a USB Connection:

  • Solid RED: Charging
  • Solid GREEN: Fully charged

Won't Scan

There could be multiple causes for this. Listen for tones or watch the LED's when scanning. If the scanner behaves as if no barcode were present at all the most likely problem is either that the barcode is of poor quality and so cannot be scanned or perhaps that the symbology of the barcode is simply not enabled in the reader. To enable symbologies on the OPN-2002 see chapter 3 of Opticon's Universal Menu Book. If the device beeps in on odd manner and the LED flickers orange it is likely that the OPN-2002 is simply not paired with another device or the device is not reachable at that time. Return the device to range, wake up both devices and try again.

OPN-2002 won't respond

If your OPN-2002 appears completely dead please connect it to a dedicated power source (USB cable to a PC or powered USB hub) and leave it sit for at least a few hours. It is a known quirk of all Lithium Ion batteries that if they are let drain too far they can take increasingly long times to recover to a normal operating state. Please ensure that you are charging your OPN daily.
If your device is still unresponsive connect it to a PC and check Device Manager to see if a COM port is created for the device in the 'Ports' subsection of Device Manager.


Notice: The downloading and use of any Opticon software implies consent with Opticon's End User License Agreement.


Document Description Version Download
Quick Start Guide - Generic This is the first step for someone setting up the OPN 2002 for the first time via Bluetooth. Be certain to pay attention to which page of instructions you follow. Page 1 is for Bluetooth Serial Ports and Page 2 is for Bluetooth HID Keyboards. If uncertain which one to use, use page 2. Download
Quick Start Guide - iPhone/iPad This Quick Start Guide is ideal for those who will be pairing their OPN-2002 with an Apple iPad or iPhone. Minimum firmware version for iPhone/iPad virtual keyboard toggle feature requires firmware RBGV0216 or later. See the Upgrade instructions on this page for details on how to update your unit. Download
Quick Start Guide - BlackBerry Playbook This Quick Start Guide is necessary for those who will be pairing their OPN-2002 with a BlackBerry Playbook. Minimum firmware version for BlackBerry Playbook compatibility RBGV0221 or later. See the Upgrade instructions on this page for details on how to update your unit. Download
User Manual: Bluetooth Application This is the user manual for the standard Bluetooth Application, which is pre-loaded on all OPN2002s prior to shipping. Contains setup instructions and some configuration barcodes, including barcodes to toggle the iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod) system soft keyboard show/hide feature on and off. Download
User Manual: Storage Application This is the user manual for the standard storage Application, which is designed to demonstrate the OPN2002's storage (batch) capabilities. This Application does not provide Bluetooth functionality, and is meant mostly to demonstrate how to store barcodes for customers that want to create their own customized, embedded application. Download
User Manual: OPN2001 Simulation Application This manual describes the usage of the OPN2001 Simulation Application, an embedded application published by Opticon for the OPN2002, that enables the OPN2002 to behave as an OPN2001 with regard to user behavior and PC interaction. Windows and Mac software specifically written for the OPN2001 is required to transfer or receive data from an OPN2002 running this application. Download
DataSheet Technical details at a glance. Download
iOS toggle Menu Codes This document contains the two barcodes necessary to enable/disable the keyboard toggle feature when paired with Apple iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, etc.). Download
Universal Menu Book The Universal Menu Book is a document containing instructions and configuration options for the majority of Opticon's products. Support of the commands in this manual is product specific. A must read for System Integrators. In effect this is the User Manual for all of Opticon's products that do not have a User Manual of their own and a supplement to all others. December 2009 Download


Software Description Version Download
Appload Appload Is Opticon's multi-purpose firmware update utility. It is a Windows PC application that provides the capability to download firmware onto most Opticon products. It also contains a versatile terminal interface that allows serial communication to any serial port connected to the PC (be it RS232, USB-VCP or Bluetooth-SPP). Opticon products can be queried and configured in this manner. EAGV0191
Firmware: Bootloader This is the lowest level of firmware. RAFV0307 Download
Firmware: OS One of two pieces of firmware required for the proper functioning of the OPN2002. Appload (see above) is required for loading the OS onto the OPN2002. RBGV0222 Download
Firmware: Bluetooth Application This standard application provides Bluetooth functionality and data transfer for both HID and SPP modes, as well as easy toggling of the iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod) system soft keyboard. Batch storage is not supported. This application is pre-loaded on all OPN2002s prior to shipping. Appload (see above) is required for loading this application onto the OPN2002. RFG35317 Download
Firmware: Storage Application - NetO This standard application provides batch storage of scanned barcodes. As this application does not enable Bluetooth pairing or data transmission, all data must be transferred to a host (typically a Windows PC) via USB. Appload (see above) is required for loading this application onto the OPN2002. Supports USB-MSD (USB flash Drive) functionality. USB-VCP communications over NetO protocol. RFG35417 Download
Firmware: Storage Application - OseComm This standard application provides batch storage of scanned barcodes. As this application does not enable Bluetooth pairing or data transmission, all data must be transferred to a host (typically a Windows PC) via USB. Appload (see above) is required for loading this application onto the OPN2002. Supports USB-MSD (USB flash Drive) functionality. USB-VCP communications over OseComm protocol. RFG35417 Download
Firmware: OPN2001 Simulation Application This OPN2002 application enables the OPN2002 to behave as an OPN2001 with regard to user behavior and PC interaction. Windows and Mac software specifically written for the OPN2001 is required to transfer or receive data from an OPN2002 running this application. Appload (see above) is required for loading this application onto the OPN2002. RBGV0221
Firmware: Bluetooth & Memorization Application This OPN-2002 application is also the firmware running in our OPR-3301 hand held Bluetooth scanner. This application combines the ability of the Bluetooth Demo to scan on demand as well as operate in a batch mode. RAFV0307
OPN PC Companion Application (OPN200x) The OPN2001 (and any OPN running its version of the OPN2001 emulator firmware) requires the use of a PC side application to communicate and receive the scanned barcode data. This is Opticon's free standard application. A free SDK is also available to customize this application. EGF3800J
OPN PC Companion Application Source Code The Visual Studio source files for Opticon's OPN PC Companion Application EGF3800E Download
Apple MacOS Version 10.15
Demo Application
This is the latest Mac OS version of the popular OPN 2001 Companion Application.
Download this for the most recent version.
Apple MacOS Version 10.14
Demo Application
This is the previous Mac OS version of the popular OPN 2001 Companion Application.
Download this version if the latest version does not run on your Mac OS machine.
NetO32 A PC application implementing the NetO protocol to transfer files from the PC to the terminal barcode reader. EGF2001H ( Download
C-Library Kit The C-Library Kit is Opticon's SDK for developing custom firmware for many of Opticon's product families (OPN, OPL97xx, OPL98xx, OPH, etc.). Included find sample code, full application samples, library files, documentation, compilers for certain products and more. This download is a zipped collection of the installer and associated files. The Toshiba C Compiler requires a separate download which is located here 2.38 Download
OPN Windows Phone Bluetooth SDK This SDK provides SPP-mode support on Windows Phone so that an app developer can transmit and receive data, and manage the connection, all from within their Windows Phone app. This allows app developers to create apps which leverage the features of an Opticon Bluetooth device using a Windows Phone device. 1.0 Download


Driver Description Version Download
All-In-One PC Drivers USB-to-serial drivers installer package for 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows XP (32-bit only), Vista 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. This package contains four drivers. The first and fourth drivers are for the Opticon cradles. The second driver is for the OPN200x scanners along with many other Opticon products. The third driver is an ATEN driver for a popular RS232 <-> USB-VCP adapter. You can choose any of the drivers to install on the first screen of the installer program. *Note: Opticon USB Drivers may not install or operate correctly if FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is enabled on your host computer* 1.615 Download