
OPL9712 incradle.jpg
OPL9712 in cradle


The OPL9712 is a wireless 1D terminal scanner, with Bluetooth and a full numeric keypad. The Firmware on the device is supplied in two layers which we call the OS and Application. The OS enables all the underlying features of the device, while the Application enables users to interact with the device and control it. The application can be customized in order to change the behavior of the OPL9712 using Opticon's C-Library Kit and the Toshiba C Compiler. This allows end-users to create custom applications modeled around their barcode-driven processes, making the OPL9712 a simple and flexible solution for many business needs.

Currently the only Bluetooth profile this device supports is Bluetooth SPP-mode Profile. Opticon has implemented two data transmission protocols on top of SPP, called NetO and OSEComm, and the OPL9712's OS also supports the XModem protocol. The device also supports raw ASCII output, which is useful in situations where no transmission protocol is desired.

The OPL9712 can be used in combination with a cradle in order to charge its removable battery and transfer data serially to a host using a variety of supported protocols. Additionally, a CRD9723 can be used to load new OS revisions and applications in conjunction with Opticon's Appload. Other types of cradles exist with a variety of features, including a charging-only cradle, dialup modem cradle, and a GSM cradle.

Downloading Data

All of Opticon's Demo Applications for the OPL9712 support downloading of data through Opticon's proprietary protocol called NetO (Net-Oh). As with all communications there are two sides. In this case these are the terminal (the OPL9712) and the host (usually a PC). This section covers setting up and using such a communication channel.

Setting Up the Host

To use NetO communications on a PC you need an application called NetO32. This can be downloaded from the Downloads table above on this page. Simply run the installer after download is complete and follow the setup instructions here.

  • Select 'Tools' > 'Options'
    • Choose RS232 from the menu at left
      • Choose the COM port for your cradle (COM 1 if using RS232, check Device Manager for USB ['Start' > 'Run' > 'devmgmt.msc' > click 'OK' and look under the 'Ports' section])
      • Change Baudrate to 115200
      • Change IrDA Device to 'None'
    • Choose 'Download' from the menu at left
      • Click the 'browse' folder icon at right to change the destination folder of the file once you have downloaded it.
      • Choose between 'Append', 'Overwrite', and 'Unique' to determine what happens when you download a data file but a file by that same name is already present.
    • Click 'OK'
  • Select 'File' > 'Save As'
    • Choose a file name appropriate for you (such as your name or your company's name) to save the settings you just changed.
    • Now every time after this that you open NetO32 you must select 'File' > 'Open' and choose this file to load your settings.
  • Select 'Protocol' > 'Start'

NetO32 is now in 'Polling' mode. Note that you should see the yellow light on the cradle blinking steadily. This means it will sit here indefinitely sending queries to the cradle and waiting for the right response to start a download. Multiple downloads can all be done without ever closing NetO32. When you are done using NetO32 simply select 'Protocol' > 'Stop' and NetO32 will discontinue polling mode. The application can then be closed.

Using the OPL-9712 In Bluetooth Batch Mode With NetO32

Batch mode scanning has the device send and receive data in files. It does not require the device to maintain a Bluetooth connection while scanning barcodes. It can be a little more complicated, however. The following sections will guide you through the initial setup of the OPL-9712 in Batch Mode. We recommend that you use the device with NetO32 to properly control the flow of barcode data off the device. However, if you would like to combine Batch Mode with OpticonRL, Opticon's software wedge, the final section will explain how to do so.

On the Device

Clearing the Bluetooth Address - From Main screen, navigate to 'System Menu'->Bluetooth->'Clear BT Addr'. (Navigate up or down by pressing the '1' or '2' buttons, and select options by pressing the center key.) Choose 'Yes' when prompted. Next, navigate from here to 'Master/Slave'. Select Slave when prompted. Now, back out one Menu level and Select the 'Protocol' option. Select 'Interface'. Select 'NetO'.

Now your OPL-9712 is set up to connect and transmit data over the NetO protocol.

Scan your barcodes.

When you are ready to transmit your scanned barcode data, navigate to 'Send Data' from the main menu.

The device will prompt you to input a Bluetooth address for your computer. Set your computer to Discoverable mode and select the 'Discovery' option to search for your computer by name. The discovery process will take a few minutes. When it is done you will be presented with a list of discoverable Bluetooth devices. Select your computer from the list.

Next, choose a PIN code. To input your pin code use button 'Q2' to cycle through different numbers and letters, and button 'Q1' to move between different positions. You will need to input this code into your computer in a later step, so choose something memorable.

When you are finished inputting your PIN code and you have confirmed it, the scanner will attempt to pair with the computer.

On the Computer

Windows will inform you that the OPL-9712 is attempting to pair. Follow the instructions from Windows, and enter the PIN code you selected earlier when prompted. After a few seconds the device will be paired.

Now, open up NetO32. Select 'Tools'->'Options'.

Set these settings on the RS232 page:

  • Baudrate: 115200
  • IRDA Device: None
  • COM Port: Whichever COM port was assigned to the OPL-9712(found in Properties on Devices and Printers screen). There will be two. If the first one you try doesn't work, try switching to the other one.

Set these settings on the Download page:

  • Receiving Directory: Select a convenient location for you, like your desktop.
  • Downloaded files: Choose either Append, Overwrite, or Unique, depending on what you want NetO32 to do when the file it is writing to already has data in it. Append is the safest option.

Choose 'OK' to store the changes and back out to the main window.

From the main window, select 'File'->'Save As...' to save your settings to a file. NetO32 does not automatically store your settings between sessions, so you will have to 'Open' your settings from the same menu each time you start up NetO32.

Now, select 'Protocol'->'Start'. If your COM port selection and other settings are correct the OPL-9712 should sound a tone. If the baud rate and IRDA device settings are correct, the OPL-9712 will transmit the data and then close the connection.

You can now open up the 'SCANDATA' file in the download location you selected earlier.

Transmitting Data With the OPL-9712

After you have followed the pairing instructions from above, subsequent transmissions are much simpler.

  1. Open NetO32, and load your settings by selecting 'File'->'Open' then choosing the file where you saved your settings.
  2. On the device, select 'Send Data' from the main device menu. Press the trigger key a second time, and the device will start to connect with the computer.
  3. In NetO32, select 'Protocol'->'Start'

Your data file will download in a few seconds.

Using Bluetooth Batch Mode with OpticonRL

When using OpticonRL, there are a few settings that need to be changed from the above instructions.

  1. When selecting the Protocol, select 'No Protocol' rather than 'NetO Protocol'.
  2. Open up the program where you want the data. Position the cursor where you want the data to download.
  3. Instead of using NetO32 on the PC, open up OpticonRL. Select 'Settings', and then the COM port for the OPL-9712. From the menu that pops out, select 'Toggle On/Off'. Immediately click on the window you opened earlier. The data will transmit within a few seconds.

Using Bluetooth Real-time Scanning Mode with OpticonRL for Windows

Using Real Mode with OpticonRL is largely the same as using Batch Mode. There are a few different settings that need to be set, and the behavior of the device will be different. If you are trying to use the device to scan and send barcode data in real time then this is the best option. The following sections will guide you through the initial out-of-box setup for Real-time Scanning Mode on the OPL-9712.

Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you can either have the OPL initiate the connection, or have the host computer initiate the connection. The former might be more useful if you're away from the host device when you need to send data, while the latter would be more useful if you're at the computer when you need to connect with the OPL. If you're not sure what to pick, choose Slave Mode.

PC-Initiated Connection(Slave Mode)

On the Device

  1. From Main screen, navigate to 'System Menu'->Bluetooth->'Clear BT Addr'. (Navigate up or down by pressing the '1' or '2' buttons, and select options by pressing the center key.)
  2. Choose 'Yes' when prompted.
  3. Next, navigate from here to 'Master/Slave'. Select Slave when prompted.
  4. Now, back out one Menu level and Select 'Communicate'->'Protocol'. Select 'Interface'. Select 'No Protocol'.
  5. Back out one Menu level, then select 'Interface'->'BT Real Time'.
  6. Go to the Main Menu. Select 'Scan labels'.

The device will prompt you to input a Bluetooth address for your computer. Set your computer to Discoverable mode and select the 'Discovery' option to search for your computer by name. The discovery process will take a few minutes. When it is done you will be presented with a list of discoverable Bluetooth devices. Select your computer from the list.

Next, choose a PIN code. To input your pin code use button '2' to cycle through different numbers and letters, and button '1' to move between different positions. You will need to input this code into your computer in a later step, so choose something memorable.

When you are finished inputting your PIN code and you have confirmed it, the scanner will be waiting for a pairing request from the host computer.

On the Computer

On your host computer, you will need to search for and then pair with the OPL-9712. In most cases this can be accomplished by right-clicking on the Bluetooth icon and selecting 'Add a device.' Select the OPL-9712 from the resulting list, and click "Next." Windows will prompt you for a PIN code.

From here, open up OpticonRL. Select 'Settings', and then the COM port for the OPL-9712. From the menu that pops out, select 'Toggle On/Off'. You can now scan barcodes with your OPL-9712. The barcode data will be placed wherever you have your cursor on the computer.

Using the OPL-9712 After the Initial Pairing

After the OPL-9712 has been paired with the PC, its use is relatively simple. Each time you wish to use the device, select 'Scan labels' from the main menu of the device, and wait for the 'Waiting Host Connection...'. On the computer, open up OpticonRL and select 'Settings', then the COM port from before, then 'Toggle On/Off'. The devices will connect back up and you can scan barcodes with the OPL-9712 as normal.

Device-Initiated Connection(Master Mode)

On the Device

  1. From Main screen, navigate to 'System Menu'->Bluetooth->'Clear BT Addr'. (Navigate up or down by pressing the '1' or '2' buttons, and select options by pressing the center key.)
  2. Choose 'Yes' when prompted.
  3. Next, navigate from here to 'Master/Slave'. Select Master when prompted.
  4. Now, back out one Menu level and Select 'Communicate'->'Protocol'. Select 'Interface'. Select 'No Protocol'.
  5. Back out one Menu level, then select 'Interface'->'BT Real Mode'.
  6. Go to the Main Menu. Select 'Scan labels'.

The device will prompt you to input a Bluetooth address for your computer. Set your computer to Discoverable mode and select the 'Discovery' option to search for your computer by name. The discovery process will take a few minutes. When it is done you will be presented with a list of discoverable Bluetooth devices. Select your computer from the list.

Next, choose a PIN code. To input your pin code use button '2' to cycle through different numbers and letters, and button '1' to move between different positions. You will need to input this code into your computer in a later step, so choose something memorable.

When you are finished inputting your PIN code and you have confirmed it, the scanner will attempt to connect with the PC.

On the Computer

Windows will inform you that the OPL-9712 is attempting to pair. Follow the instructions from Windows, and enter the PIN code you selected earlier when prompted. After a few seconds the device will be paired.

From here, open up OpticonRL. Select 'Settings', and then the COM port for the OPL-9712. From the menu that pops out, select 'Toggle On/Off'. If you've selected the correct COM port, the OPL-9712 will connect after a few seconds. You can now scan barcodes with it, and the barcode data will be placed wherever you have your cursor on the computer.

In many cases, Windows will assign two different COM ports to the OPL-9712, corresponding to two different connection types that the PC can make, Incoming or Outgoing. Typically you will have to open the Incoming COM port rather than the Outgoing COM port to cause Windows to establish the connection.

To determine which port you will need to use, check the Ports listing in Device Manager.

Using the OPL-9712 After the Initial Pairing

After the OPL-9712 has been paired with the PC, its use is relatively simple. Each time you wish to use the device, first open up OpticonRL and select 'Settings', then the COM port from before, then 'Toggle On/Off'. Then select "Scan Barcodes" from the device menu. The devices will connect back up and you can scan barcodes with the OPL-9712 as normal. Each time you disconnect, you can re-initiate the connection through the "Scan Barcodes" menu option.



What programming languages can I use to develop embedded applications for the OPL9712?

The C programming language only.

What functions are available to me when developing my embedded application?

If you've installed the C-Library Kit, you should see a directory for OPL's. This contains various libraries, sample code, and demonstration applications to assist you in your development. The lib.h file in this directory contains all of the functions available to you when developing your embedded OPL9712 application. Also, if you go to the Start menu, under Program Files -> Opticon C-Library Kit, you'll see a programming help file (.chm). This contains descriptions of all the functions, return values, code demonstrating the use of the functions, and many other things. Beyond that, the standard ANSI C functions are available to you, so long as you include the proper header files in your source code.

How do I compile my application?

You have to use the Toshiba C Compiler, which you can purchase from Opticon. Versions 1.10 and later run on all Windows OS flavors. After that has been installed (preferably before installing the C-Library Kit, as the installer for the C-Library Kit prompts you for the root path of your Toshiba C Compiler installation in order to generate correct path information for build scripts) check out some of the example applications in the OPL folder where you installed the C-Library Kit. There you'll find build scripts (m.bat or mdemo.bat) that you can use and edit for your application, which you then run from the command prompt to build your application.

How do I load my application onto the OPL9712?

With Opticon's Appload program. You will need to enter the OS-level system menu on the device (press Up, Trigger, and Down buttons simultaneously), choose the menu option to download an application, and place the device into the cradle. Then connect the cradle to your PC, install the drivers for the cradle through Windows Driver Wizard (if the drivers are not already installed; optionally, you can find the cradle drivers on our FTP site) and launch Appload. Choose the appropriate COM port that your cradle is connected to, and then you can drag the application binary onto the Appload window to begin the install process.

How do I load a new OS (firmware) onto the OPL9712?

Same steps as loading an application; see the FAQ item directly above this one.

Is there a debugger to debug my application?

Unfortunately, no. Debugging is typically done through creating a log file within your application, printing information to the OPL9712's LCD screen, or some other method. Typically, applications are not of the size and complexity that this would be overly problematic.

How do I get the saved scan data off the OPL9712?

There are a variety of methods. You can either send the data as plain ASCII text over the cradle's COM port, which would require a program or RS232 Monitor on the PC to read the incoming data and somehow save it. You can use the XModem protocol over the cradle's COM port. You can use Opticon's NetO file-transfer protocol to transfer the scan data as a flat file (typically .txt, .csv, or .dat; however you create and format the file in your embedded application), which requires NetO32 to be run on the PC. You can also beam the data wirelessly with IrDA, or build the OPL9712's TCP/IP Library into your application to transfer the data as an email, over FTP, or some other Internet protocol. There are functions and libraries available for each of these options in the C-Library Kit.
Typically, the most popular and simple option is to use NetO.

How do I delete saved scan data (files) on the OPL9712?

See the remove() function.

How can I use Universal Menu Book commands to change the behavior of my OPL?

In code, you can use the systemsetting() function to set certain settings by default. For example, if you wanted to transmit UPC-E as UPC-A, you could put the following function call in your application:

Loading Firmware

The OPL9712 is basically a mini computer. As such it has an Operating System and runs Applications (one at a time, loding one application erases the previous one). The process for loading either the OS or an Application file is the same for both and so the instructions for either are combined here. Opticon always provides updates to the OS (see the Downloads table at the bottom of the page). Opticon also provides free Applications for use on the OPL9712 though it is also common for independent software vendors or resellers to develop their own software for use on the OPL9712 (this is especially true if the company also provides PC side software). Applications made by Opticon are available at the Downloads table at the bottom of the page (with the exception of software made custom by contract which is provided in other ways to the purchaser). Applications made by a third party must be retrieved from said party.

Download Files

You will need a few files to update your OPL9712. All of these files can be found in the Downloads table at the bottom of the page.

  • USB Cradle Drivers
  • Firmware: OS
  • Firmware: Application
  • Appload

Set Up Your Cradle

It is likely that you are using your OPL9712 in conjunction with the cradle CRD-9723. For instructions setting this up including installing Drivers see here.

Install and Configure Appload

Appload is a PC application that we use to load firmware on most of Opticon's devices. Once it is installed (by running the installer found in the Downloads table at the bottom of the page) it will launch automatically. Change the options 'Settings' > 'Port' to match the COM port of either the USB or RS232 interface (whichever was used). You may also need to change 'Settings' > 'IrDA Adapter/cradle type' to be 'Not Installed'.

Load the Firmware

Now that the cradle is configured, Appload is installed and configured you need to simply place the unit on the cradle then select 'File' > 'Download' from the Appload menu and browse to the firmware file you wish to load. Note that if you must upgrade the OS as well as an Application you will need to follow this step twice.


Notice: The downloading and use of any Opticon software implies consent with Opticon's End User License Agreement.


Document Description Version Download
User Manual: Application This is the User Manual for the USA Standard Demo (pre-loaded from our warehouse on all OPL9712 units). LFBP0515 Download
Splash Screen.PDF As referenced on page 13 of the above application manual, this document provides the barcodes necessary for utilizing the splash screen options in system menu. Download
Universal Menu Book The Universal Menu Book is a document containing instructions and configuration options for the majority of Opticon's products. Support of the commands in this manual is product specific. A must read for System Integrators. In effect this is the User Manual for all of Opticon's products that do not have a User Manual of their own and a supplement to all others. December 2009 Download


Software Description Version Download
Appload Appload Is Opticon's multi-purpose firmware update utility. It is a Windows PC application that provides the capability to download firmware onto most Opticon products. It also contains a versatile terminal interface that allows serial communication to any serial port connected to the PC (be it RS232, USB-VCP or Bluetooth-SPP). Opticon products can be queried and configured in this manner. EAGV0191
NetO32 A PC application implementing the NetO protocol to transfer files from the PC to the terminal barcode reader. EGF2001H ( Download
Firmware: OS This is the latest Operating System firmware file for the OPL9712. LBOV0319 Download
Firmware: Application - USA Standard Demo This is the standard application running on all OPL9712s from our warehouse. It supports a large variety of barcode symbologies (which ones are configurable). Data is stored as a database including the barcode data scanned, the number of times that barcode has been scanned (with optional user quantity input) and the date and time the last entry was updated). Note that when data is viewed on the PC there is significant white space after the barcode data before you will see the quantity and time stamp information due to the nature of the database schema. It would be necessary to scroll to the right to see this extra information. LFBP0515 Download
Firmware: Application - USA Standard Demo Variant This standard demo differs from the standard only in the way data is stored on the unit. Rather than barcode data, quantity and time stamps stored as a database this variant stores only the barcode data scanned in the order it was scanned. LFBS0301 Download
Firmware: Application - USA Standard Demo Variant This demo differs from the standard only in the way data is stored on the unit. Rather than barcode data, quantity and time stamps stored as a database this variant stores only the barcode data scanned in the order it was scanned but also includes the date and time stamps of each scan. LFBS0090 Download
Firmware: Application - EU Standard Demo Similar to the USA standard demo, this version differs primarily in the default transmission settings (raw ASCII transmission and 19200 baudrate) LFD25783 Download
Firmware: Application - Viewer This small application simply allows the scanning of any supported barcode with the ability to view the encoded data on the screen. Changing options via Universal Menu Book commands is supported. Download
Firmware: Application - Eraser This tiny application serves simply as a utility to remove any data files that may exist on a unit. Download
C-Library Kit The C-Library Kit is Opticon's SDK for developing custom firmware for many of Opticon's product families (OPN, OPL97xx, OPL98xx, OPH, etc.). Included find sample code, full application samples, library files, documentation, compilers for certain products and more. This download is a zipped collection of the installer and associated files. The Toshiba C Compiler requires a separate download which is located here 2.38 Download
Toshiba C Compiler The Toshiba C Compiler is used to develop firmware for some of our barcodes scanners including the OPL97xx family Version 1.10 Download


Drivers Description Version Download
All-In-One PC Drivers USB-to-serial drivers installer package for 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows XP (32-bit only), Vista 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. This package contains four drivers. The first and fourth drivers are for the Opticon cradles. The second driver is for the OPN200x scanners along with many other Opticon products. The third driver is an ATEN driver for a popular RS232 <-> USB-VCP adapter. You can choose any of the drivers to install on the first screen of the installer program. *Note: Opticon USB Drivers may not install or operate correctly if FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is enabled on your host computer* 1.615 Download