The H13 is a wireless 1D terminal scanner. The H13 firmware is split into two levels, an Operating System(OS) and an Application. The Operating System exposes the functions of the hardware to the Application level firmware. The Application determines how the device behaves and the interface displayed on the H13's LCD screen. The application can be customized in order to change the behavior of the H13, using Opticon's C-Library Kit and the GCC WinArm. This allows end-users to create custom applications modeled around their barcode-driven processes, making the H13 a simple and flexible solution for many business needs.
The H13 is used in combination with a cradle (typically CRDH13) in order to charge the H13's removable battery, transfer data serially to a host (using plain ASCII, XModem, or Opticon's NetO), and load new OS revisions and applications (using Opticon's Appload). Other types of cradles exist, including a dialup modem cradle and a GSM cradle, which H13 applications can utilize with Opticon's TCP/IP Library.
All of Opticon's Demo Applications for the H13 support downloading of data through Opticon's proprietary protocol called NetO (Net-Oh). As with all communications there are two sides. In this case these are the terminal (the H13) and the host (usually a PC). This section covers setting up and using such a communication channel.
To use NetO communications on a PC you need an application called NetO32. This can be downloaded from the Downloads table at the bottom of this page. Simply run the installer after download is complete and follow the setup instructions here.
In this section we step through installing both Opticon's USB drivers and NetO32.
If you are using RS232 please skip to Installing NetO32. Opticon's USB drivers need to be installed for the cradle to be properly via USB.
The H13 uses a piece of windows software called NetO32 to save the data file to the computer. To install NetO32 follow the steps below.
NetO32 is now in 'Polling' mode. Note that you should see the yellow light on the cradle blinking steadily. This means it will sit here indefinitely sending queries to the cradle and waiting for the right response to start a download. Multiple downloads can all be done without ever closing NetO32. When you are done using NetO32 simply select 'Protocol' > 'Stop' and NetO32 will discontinue polling mode. The application can then be closed.
After NetO32 is in Polling mode (see above) follow these steps. First, of course, it is expected that you will have scanned some barcodes using the H13.
The H13 is basically a mini computer. As such it has an Operating System and runs Applications (one at a time, loading one application erases the previous one). The process for loading either the OS or an Application file is the same for both and so the instructions for either are combined here. Opticon always provides updates to the OS (see the Downloads table at the bottom of the page). Opticon also provides free Applications for use on the H13 though it is also common for independent software vendors or resellers to develop their own software for use on the H13 (this is especially true if the company also provides PC side software). Applications made by Opticon are available at the Downloads table at the bottom of the page (with the exception of software made custom by contract which is provided in other ways to the purchaser). Applications made by a third party must be retrieved from said party.
You will need a few files to update your H13. All of these files can be found in the Downloads table below.
If you are using RS232 or you have already installed the USB Drivers please skip to Installing Appload. Opticon's USB drivers need to be installed for the cradle to be properly via USB.
Appload is Opticon's multi-purpose utility for installing firmware onto devices such as the H13. To install Appload follow the steps below.
This section outlines how to configure Appload to communicate with the H13.
Download the firmware from the #Software section below.
Make sure to download both parts of the firmware, the Firmware: OS and the application firmware of your choice.
Now that the cradle is configured and Appload is installed and configured, simply follow the steps below. Note that if you must upgrade the OS as well as an Application you will need to follow this step twice. On the H13
On the computer
SpeedGen utilizes an interpreter application and a configuration file, called a build file, to rapidly customize the appearance flow and operation of an H13 data collector. It allows you to tailor your application for your particular workflow. SpeedGen applications consist of screens, each containing data fields, which users fill in by either scanning barcodes, keying data, or a combination of the two. Each data field can also validate user input from one of three data files which are uploaded to the Opticon device.
This version of Speedgen comes with a detailed help file rather than a manual. So if you get stuck trying to figure out how to configure your build file then please consult the help file. If you have a specific question or would like some general guidance you are always welcome to write Opticon Technical Support. We can't make the application for you but we are always willing to help.
If you make any mistakes simply press the UP or DOWN arrow to go back to where you were and try again. When you type a new value note that the cursor will automatically advance to the next field.
Notice: The downloading and use of any Opticon software implies consent with Opticon's End User License Agreement.
Document | Description | Version | Download |
H13 Quick Start Guide | This is the quick start guide that comes in the box with the H13. | Download | |
Universal Menu Book | This document contains all of Opticon's standard configuration barcodes. The ability to configure the H13 terminal with this commands manual is application dependent (not supported on any of the Standard Demos). | Download |
Software | Description | Version | Download |
Appload | Appload Is Opticon's multi-purpose firmware update utility. It is a Windows PC application that provides the capability to download firmware onto most Opticon products. It also contains a versatile terminal interface that allows serial communication to any serial port connected to the PC (be it RS232, USB-VCP or Bluetooth-SPP). Opticon products can be queried and configured in this manner. | EAGV0191 1.91 |
Download |
NetO32 | A PC application implementing the NetO protocol to transfer files from the PC to the terminal barcode reader. | EGF2001H ( | Download |
Firmware: OS | This is the latest Operating System firmware file for the H13. | XBCV0215 | Download |
Firmware: Application - USA Standard Demo | This is the standard application running on all H13s from our warehouse. It supports a large variety of barcode symbologies (which ones are configurable). Data is stored as a database including the barcode data scanned, the number of times that barcode has been scanned (with optional user quantity input) and the date and time the last entry was updated). Note that when data is viewed on the PC there is significant white space after the barcode data before you will see the quantity and time stamp information due to the nature of the database schema. It would be necessary to scroll to the right to see this extra information. | XFC3092L | Download |
SpeedGen | This is the SpeedGen PC-side application for the H13 . This tool is used to design and prototype your application, then download it onto the terminal when finished. | Download |
Drivers | Description | Version | Download |
All-In-One PC Drivers | USB-to-serial drivers installer package for 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows XP (32-bit only), Vista 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. This package contains four drivers. The first and fourth drivers are for the Opticon cradles. The second driver is for the OPN200x scanners along with many other Opticon products. The third driver is an ATEN driver for a popular RS232 <-> USB-VCP adapter. You can choose any of the drivers to install on the first screen of the installer program. *Note: Opticon USB Drivers may not install or operate correctly if FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is enabled on your host computer* | 1.615 | Download |