The technical information about the OK and NG (no good) signals for the RLB1000/NLB-1000 and the NVL-1001 can be found on this page

Technical details

OK/NG sequencer test results for the NLB-1000 (motor on when idle)

NLB-1000 OK NG Sequence.JPG

Note 1: The trigger-to-decode time of 2,6 to 3,8 ms when the motor is ON when idle is respectively 250ms – 275ms when the motor is OFF when idle

Note 2: To test the performance, always present a barcode of high quality at a fixed distance. Before starting the test, make sure that the barcode is read 1000 times per second by performing a read test in the laser adjustment mode.

OK/NG sequencer test results for the NLV-1001 (motor on when idle)

NLV-1001 OK NG Sequence.jpg

Note 1: The trigger-to-decode time of 45 to 64 ms when the motor is ON when idle is respectively 91ms – 95ms when the motor is OFF when idle

Note 2: To test the performance, always present a barcode of high quality at a fixed distance. Before starting the test, make sure that the barcode is read 100 times per second by performing a read test in the laser adjustment mode.

OK NG sginal menu options

Use this menu code sheet to adjust the settings on the scanner

OK NG signal menu options.jpg