Data Edit

Revision as of 21 November 2017 17:36 by JGoss (Comments | Contribs) n

"Data Edit" is the replacement programming script for output formatting for newer 2D-imager scan engines (Gen 3, 4, 5 & newer) like the: MDI3xxx, MDI4xxx, MDI5xxx. Data Editing is much more powerful than "Data Wizard" and the format is based on Regular Expressions type of script programming language: regular expressions.

Opticon’s DataEdit™ (Data Editing) gives the end user the capability to qualify, extract and/or manipulate the decoded data string from a bar code’s default output into a more desired format that the end user can use.

There are two parts to each DataEdit, a Cut Script and a Paste Script. The cut script is used to search and group sections of a barcode. The paste script is used to configure the output and layout of the data.


There is specific programming to make it easy to identify Article Identifiers in GS1 codes. They can then be easily formatted and output.

For more information about DataEdit, please contact Opticon Support,