
Revision as of 22 March 2012 11:17 by Jleiseth (Comments | Contribs) n

Opticonfigure is an online version of our Universal Menu Book. It can be used to create custom and condensed printouts of your desired settings for quick reference and setup.

Common Configurations

How to do a character substitution in Opticonfigure

  1. Navigate to Opticonfigure in your web browser.
  2. If the Barcode sheet is not already blank then select "Clear Barcode List" from the top right hand corner.
  3. Select Data Wizard.
  4. Select Edit Configuration 1 from the drop down in the top left hand corner.
  5. Select "Enable data wizard config 1", then click Add.
  6. Select "--Start Wizard--"
  7. Select "Only barcodes with certain characters in the code", then click next.
  8. Select "Original output", then click next.
  9. Select "Transmit the original output".
  10. Select "Replace characters, Trim or Fill output to fixed length"
  11. Select "Find characters and replace all of them with specified character"
  12. Select both the character to match and the character to replace it with.
  13. Click next, click finish.