| Android Bluetooth Guide for the OPN2002 and the OPL2724 ||This document details how to use the OPL2724 with your android device. ||[http://ftp.opticonusa.com/Downloads/OpticonRL%20for%20Android%20EGFS055x.zip Download] |
| Android Bluetooth Guide for the OPN2002 and the OPL2724 ||This document details how to use the OPL2724 with your android device. ||[http://ftp.opticonusa.com/Downloads/OpticonRL%20for%20Android%20EGFS055x.zip Download] |
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| Quick Setup Barcodes ||This document contains barcodes for use in configuring your OPL-2724 to connect with the vast majority of devices in existence. ||[ftp://ftp.opticonusa.com/pub/Downloads/OPL-2724_Quick_Setup_Barcodes.pdf Download]
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| Quick Setup Barcodes ||This document contains barcodes for use in configuring your OPL-2724 to connect with the vast majority of devices in existence. ||[http://ftp.opticonusa.com/Downloads/OPL-2724_Quick_Setup_Barcodes.pdf Download]