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OPN-2003 Quick Start

If you are having trouble getting the OPN-2003 to connect to the Mac Companion Application, try printing the PDF that was included with the installer, and scanning the +-USB1-+ barcode on the page. Your OPN-2003 will sound a tone, then after a few seconds it will connect.


Using the OPN-2003 with a Windows PC requires you to download and install Opticon's PC USB Drivers Installer, and an application to retrieve the data like the PC Companion Application. Both of these are located in the Downloads section of this page.

Initial Setup

You will only need to do this part once per computer.

  1. Download the "PC USB Drivers Installer" from the Driver Downloads section of this page. Run the installer you downloaded by double-clicking on it. Follow the prompts on your screen until the installation is completed.
  2. Download the OPN PC Companion Application which is also located in the Software Downloads section of this page.
  3. Run the installer in the zip file you downloaded.
  4. Plug the OPN-2003 into your computer. Windows will inform you that it has found new hardware, and that it is installing the drivers for that hardware. Then you will see the status indicator in the application window turn green. From the application window you can download barcodes, change settings, or view and set the date and time on the device.

Scan Barcodes

Collecting data with the OPN-2003 is as simple as pointing and scanning. Scanning barcodes with the big button or "trigger" will store barcodes, while scanning with the small button or "function" will remove barcodes. Below are some tips about scanning and removing barcodes from the device.

  • When the OPN-2003 has a good scan, it will chime, the LED on the device will flash green, and the laser will turn off.
  • When the OPN-2003 deletes a barcode, it will give a different chime than above, and it will flash an Orange LED when it has a good scan.
  • Deleting the same barcode again when there are no more scans of it present will cause the OPN-2003 to chime for about a second. The LED will also flash red.

Download From the OPN-2003

If you haven't done so yet, refer to the Initial Setup instructions above to get all the proper software installed and ready. This part of the guide assumes that you have already successfully setup your computer to communicate with the OPN-2003.

  1. Plug the OPN-2003 into your computer.
  2. Open the OPN-2001 PC Companion Application by navigating to Opticon\OPN200x in your Start Menu.
  3. Double-check that the "Status" light is green.
  4. Check the box next to "Save to file" if you would like your barcodes to be saved to your computer each time you select "Get Barcodes." By default, the barcodes will be stored in the Documents folder on your computer. To change this, click on the ellipsis(...) button and choose where you would like your barcodes saved.
  5. Click "Get barcodes" to download the barcodes that you just scanned. Double-check that they got saved to your file before proceeding.
  6. Click "Delete barcodes" to erase the barcodes stored on the OPN-2003.


In order to set up the OPN-2003 on the Mac, we will need to install the Mac Companion Application and configure the OPN-2003 to connect to the Mac.

  • 1.) To install the Mac Companion Application, download the "OPN-2003 MAC Companion Application" under software downloads near the bottom of this page. Open the resulting folder, and run the installer "Opticon OPN Demo Application.pkg." Follow the prompts until the installation is complete.
  • 2.) Print the PDF document in the same folder titled "Instructions.pdf." This document contains configuration barcodes for the OPN-2003. These barcodes are used to change the behavior of the OPN-2003 when it connects to a computer. Scan the +-USB1-+ driver to set the OPN-2003 up to connect to the Mac Companion Application.
  • 3.) Plug the OPN-2003 into the Mac. At this point the OPN-2003 should be recognized as a network interface.
  • 4.) Start up the OPN-2003 Mac Companion Application using the Finder. It will automatically detect the OPN-2003. The connection can be confirmed by the green "Connected" text in the top right corner of the application.

The OPN-2003 and the Mac are now connected and working together.

Alternative Modes

In addition to the CSP2 support built into the OPN2003, it is also capable of functioning as either a USB Keyboard or a USB flash drive. Both of these modes eliminate the need for middleware.

When in Keyboard mode, the OPN2003 can scan in real time or store data in memory which can later be transmitted at the push of a button. In flash disk(MSD) mode the OPN2003 stores barcode scans into a text file on the device. The text file can later be accessed simply by plugging in the device.

USB Flash Disk Mode

This mode is also referred to as USB-MSD mode. The Firmware: Storage Application must be loaded on the OPN2003 in order to enable this mode of operation. To install the Storage Demo, follow these firmware loading instructions. You may have to update the OS in addition to loading the Storage Demo to enable this feature. Once the storage demo is loaded, print and scan this sheet of barcodes to configure the device to act as a flash disk.

Once that's finished, scanning barcodes is as simple as pressing a button. When you want to download your barcode scans, plug the OPN2003 into a computer, and copy the text file out of the flash drive. For more configuration options, see the Manual - RFG3541x.zip Storage Demo manual. In particular, the very last page has barcodes which can be scanned to configure the layout of the text file.

USB Keyboard Mode

This mode allows the OPN2003 to emulate a USB Keyboard. While the OPN2003 is plugged in, any barcodes that are scanned are input wherever the cursor is on screen. When a barcode is scanned while the OPN2003 is disconnected, the barcode is stored in memory. When you want to retrieve scanned barcodes, simply plug the OPN2003 into a computer, and press any key on the device to have it play back all of the barcodes that were scanned while it was disconnected.

To use the OPN2003 in USB Keyboard Mode, print and scan this barcode sheet. You may also need to update firmware to the latest version of the Firmware: OS and Firmware: Application to enable the feature.

Loading Firmware

While there are multiple components to the firmware on an OPN-2003 (Bootloader, OS and Application) the instructions to load them individually or all together are the same. In most cases, all you'll need to do is load the OS, and the proper Application file for your needs.


  1. Download both the Firmware: OS, and Appload for this process. You may also need Opticon's USB Drivers, so please download those as well.
  2. Download the appropriate Firmware: Application file for your needs. This is most likely to be the OPN2001 Simulation Application, however there are other Applications available. A complete list can be found in the Downloads Section at the bottom of the page.
  3. Extract the OPN2003 Firmware - OS.zip file, the Appload.zip file, the USB Drivers Installer.zip file, and the OPN2003 Firmware - Application files into a convenient folder.
  4. Install Appload by double-clicking the 'Appload Setup.exe' file, which will start the install wizard. The default values are sufficient for most people, so keep clicking 'Next' until you are finished. Appload will launch at the end of the install process.
  5. Connect the OPN-2003 to your PC

Install the Firmware

  1. Launch Appload if it is not already running.
  2. We first need to choose the correct COM port. From the main Appload window, select 'Settings' > 'Port', then choose the port that says 'Opticon USB Code Reader'.
  3. Now we can start downloading the OS and Application. For each of the .hex files you downloaded and extracted above, please choose 'File', then 'Download', then navigate to and select the file. You should see a progress indicator and the words 'Initializing IRdA' if this is working.
  4. When complete the OPN-2003 will emit a series of beeps and reboot. When the LED is steady RED (indicating charging) or GREEN (indicating fully charged) the process is complete and you may disconnect your OPN-2003 from the PC. instruction manuals for the various applications are available for download in the Downloads section.

OPN2001, OPN2003, OPN2004 comparison

Feature OPN2001 Standard Demo firmware OPN2001 HID firmware OPN2003 Standard application (OPN2001 emulator) OPN2003 Batch Demo application OPN2004 Standard application (OPN2001 emulator)
Can the scanned data include a prefix and suffix? If yes, can the Prefix and the Suffix be more than one character (String)? This is not an option with the current firmware, however prefixes or suffixes could be added with custom developed PC side software. Currently return or tab are the only available suffixes, however other prefixes or suffixes could be added with custom developed PC side software. Yes, and yes up to 4 direct input entries. Please refer to page U85 of the universal menu book linked below for more information on prefixes, suffixes preambles, and postambles. http://www.opticonusa.com/pdf/Manuals/Universal_Menu_Book.pdf This is not an option with the current firmware, however prefixes or suffixes could be added with custom developed PC side software. Yes, and yes up to 4 direct input entries. Please refer to page U85 of the universal menu book linked below for more information on prefixes, suffixes preambles, and postambles. http://www.opticonusa.com/pdf/Manuals/Universal_Menu_Book.pdf
Does the scanner have an internal serial number that can be output as part of the scanned data? Yes, although we currently only have one PC side application that will put the serial number in the file with the scanned data, the "OPN2001 Data Downloader" application. No Yes, although we currently only have one PC side application that will put the serial number in the file with the scanned data, the "OPN2001 Data Downloader" application. Yes, this is a configurable option. Data is transferred using the NETO32 program or a custom program using the NETO protocol. Yes, although we currently only have one PC side application that will put the serial number in the file with the scanned data, the "OPN2001 Data Downloader" application.
Can the scanner be setup to include scanned data time stamp? Yes, using most of our PC side applications including the "OPN2001 Data Downloader" application. Yes Yes, using most of our PC side applications including the "OPN2001 Data Downloader" application. Data stored as Database file (multiple scans of same barcode increases quantity rather than adding new lines to the file, also this means the time stamp only exists for the most recent scan of the specific barcode) Yes, using most of our PC side applications including the "OPN2001 Data Downloader" application.


Can the OPN2003 be used in USB Keyboard mode as well as CSP2 mode?

Yes, while in this mode you don't need to use the PC Companion Application to retrieve barcode scans. Simply plug the device in, open up Notepad or other software capable of receiving keyboard input, and press the small key on the OPN2003 and it will transmit stored barcodes. You can also scan barcodes in real time while plugged in.

My OPN2003 has suddenly stopped beeping when I scan barcodes. Is it broken?

It's possible that the beeper has been disabled using the beeper toggle feature. The beeper can be disabled or enabled without using a computer if you hold the large key for more than 10 seconds. To re-enable a disabled beeper, try holding this key for about 10 seconds. The OPN will sound a tone when the beeper is re-enabled.


Notice: The downloading and use of any Opticon software implies consent with Opticon's End User License Agreement.


Document Description Version Download
User Manual: Storage Application This is the user manual for the standard storage application, which is designed to demonstrate the OPN2003's storage (batch) capabilities. This application supports USB-VCP with NetO32, and USB-MSD (flash drive) modes. April 2016 Download
User Manual: OPN2001 Simulation Application This manual describes the usage of the OPN2001 Simulation Application, an embedded application published by Opticon for the OPN2003, that enables the OPN2003 to behave as an OPN2001 with regard to user behavior and PC interaction. Windows and Mac software specifically written for the OPN2001 is required to transfer or receive data from an OPN2003 running this application. Download
Quick Access Barcodes for using the OPN2003 with a Mac This document contains barcodes that allow you to quickly change between using the OPN2003 as an HID scanner and using the OPN-2003 Macintosh Companion Application. Download
Universal Menu Book The Universal Menu Book is a document containing instructions and configuration options for the majority of Opticon's products. Support of the commands in this manual is product specific. A must read for System Integrators. In effect this is the User Manual for all of Opticon's products that do not have a User Manual of their own and a supplement to all others. December 2009 Download


Software Description Version Download
Appload Appload Is Opticon's multi-purpose firmware update utility. It is a Windows PC application that provides the capability to download firmware onto most Opticon products. It also contains a versatile terminal interface that allows serial communication to any serial port connected to the PC (be it RS232, USB-VCP or Bluetooth-SPP). Opticon products can be queried and configured in this manner. EAGV0191
Firmware: Bootloader This is the lowest level of firmware. RAFV0307 Download
Firmware: OS One of two pieces of firmware required for the proper functioning of the OPN2003. Appload (see above) is required for loading the OS onto the OPN2003. NOTICE: Current and future versions of this OS now support USB-HID in addition to the standard CSP2 features RBFV0221 Download
Firmware: OPN2001 Simulation Application This OPN2003 application enables the OPN2003 to behave as an OPN2001 with regard to user behavior and PC interaction. Windows and Mac software specifically written for the OPN2001 is required to transfer or receive data from an OPN2003 running this application. Appload (see above) is required for loading this application onto the OPN2003. NOTICE: Current and future versions of this Application now support USB-HID in addition to the standard CSP2 features RFF35109 Download
Firmware: Storage Application This application provides batch storage of scanned barcodes. Appload (see above) is required for loading this application onto the OPN2003. RFG35416 Download
OPN PC Companion Application (OPN200x) The OPN2001 (and any OPN running its version of the OPN2001 emulator firmware) requires the use of a PC side application to communicate and receive the scanned barcode data. This is Opticon's free standard application. A free SDK is also available to customize this application. EGF3800J
OPN PC Companion Application Source Code The Visual Studio source files for Opticon's OPN PC Companion Application EGF3800E Download
Apple MacOS Version 10.15
Demo Application
This is the latest Mac OS version of the popular OPN 2001 Companion Application.
Download this for the most recent version.
Apple MacOS Version 10.14
Demo Application
This is the previous Mac OS version of the popular OPN 2001 Companion Application.
Download this version if the latest version does not run on your Mac OS machine.
C-Library Kit The C-Library Kit is Opticon's SDK for developing custom firmware for many of Opticon's product families (OPN, OPL97xx, OPL98xx, OPH, etc.). Included find sample code, full application samples, library files, documentation, compilers for certain products and more. This download is a zipped collection of the installer and associated files. The Toshiba C Compiler requires a separate download which is located here 2.38 Download
OPN SDK This SDK is used to develop Windows and Mac OS X side software that will communicate with an OPN2001 or any OPN running its OPN2001 emulation firmware. For the SDK necessary to develop firmware local to the OPN see the C-Library Kit. Version 14 (EGFS003D) Download


Driver Description Version Download
All-In-One PC Drivers USB-to-serial drivers installer package for 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows XP (32-bit only), Vista 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. This package contains four drivers. The first and fourth drivers are for the Opticon cradles. The second driver is for the OPN200x scanners along with many other Opticon products. The third driver is an ATEN driver for a popular RS232 <-> USB-VCP adapter. You can choose any of the drivers to install on the first screen of the installer program. *Note: Opticon USB Drivers may not install or operate correctly if FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is enabled on your host computer* 1.615 Download