Opticon Inbox

Revision as of 09 July 2012 12:58 by Jleiseth (Comments | Contribs) n

About Opticon Inbox

Opticon Inbox is an application Opticon Inc. developed that allows a user to capture barcodes and signatures, attach them to an email message, stamp the email message with an physical address of where it was created (via GeoMicro's reverse-geocoding technology), and send the email message to 1 or more email addresses. It's designed to be a simple SMB (small-to-medium business) application that lets end users capture and send data immediately out-of-the-box, without the need for any costly and time-consuming back-end integration.

Supported Devices


To install Opticon Inbox and all of its dependencies, have your device connected via ActiveSync to your PC, and then run MasterInstaller.exe on your PC. The installer will utilize ActiveSync to deploy and install the necessary .cab files. Please complete the install of each .cab file before clicking "OK" on the dialog box on the PC that prompts you to check your mobile device for any actions required on it. This will mean answering all prompts and hitting the "OK" box in the upper right corner of the device's screen when each .cab file finishes installing.


The downloading and use of any Opticon software implies consent with Opticon's End User License Agreement.


Platform Description Download
Opticon Inbox Installer This installer is an executable that you run on your Windows PC. Download
Instruction Manual This is the instruction manual for Opticon Inbox. Download