
Revision as of 02 February 2017 15:19 by jsaunders (Comments | Contribs)

The OPC-3301i is a handheld 1D scanner with a built-in CCD imager that enables high speed scanning of 1D barcodes.



  • The scanned data is output via Bluetooth.
  • The scanner can work with many Bluetooth-enabled host devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets.
  • The scanner supports both HID (Human Interface Device Profile) and Blutooth SPP (Serial Port Profile).
  • The scanner can read bar codes from LCD screens.
  • The scan emits a single RED aiming line for help with scanning barcodes.
  • A dedicated charging cradle (CHG-3201) is supplied for recharging and easy storage of the scanner.
  • The scanner is also Apple MFi certified.

How to connect:

Bluetooth HID (Human Interface Device):

This connection mode works as if a Bluetooth keyboard were attached to the host device. This means that all data scanned is transmitted to the host device as if typed.

  1. Scan the HID mode menu barcode
  2. Press the trigger switch for 3 seconds and the scanner will make a short buzzer sound. Re-press the trigger switch within 1 second after the buzzer sounded to start a connection (pairing) with the host device. Blue LED blinks to indicate it is now waiting for the connection from the host device.
  3. Search for Bluetooth device from the host device and select "OPC-3301i"
  4. When PIN code is displayed on the host device, input it by scanning the "PIN code input" menu barcodes and "PINE" to end the input.
  5. When the connection is made successfully, the scanner makes a buzzer sound and the GREEN LED lights up briefly.

Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Profile):

This connection mode is a serial connection mode. The OPNTerm or Microsoft HyperTerminal or the RS232 Terminal in Appload can be used to receive scanned data on host devices.

  1. Scan "SPP mode" menu barcode
  2. Press the trigger switch for 3 seconds and the scanner will make a short buzzer sound. Re-press the trigger switch within 1 second after the buzzer sounded to start a connection (pairing) with the host device. Blue LED blinks to indicate it is now waiting for the connection from the host device.
  3. Search for Bluetooth device from the host device and select "OPC-3301i"
  4. When PIN is required, input "1234" to the host device.
  5. When the connection is made successfully, the scanner makes a buzzer sound and the GREEN LED lights up briefly. The connection may be completed after opening the serial port on the host device.

Bluetooth MFi Mode:

This connection mode is a serial connection mode similar to Bluetooth-SPP through Apple's proprietary interface for iOS devices. The OPNTerm can be used to receive scanned data.

  1. Scan the "iphone mode" menu barcodes.
  2. Press the trigger switch for 3 seconds and the scanner will make a short buzzer sound.Re-press the trigger switch within 1 second after the buzzer sounded to start a connection (pairing) with the host device. Blue LED blinks to indicate it is now waiting for the connection from the host device.
  3. Search for Bluetooth device from the host device and select "OPC-3301i"
  4. When the connection is made successfully, the scanner makes a buzzer sound and the GREEN LED lights up briefly. When OPNTerm is used as an iOS application, pres [connect] button to start communication with the OPC-3301i.

How to disconnect:

To disconnect the scanner from the host device, perform the following:

  1. Press the trigger switch for 5 seconds.
  2. When the connection is closed, RED LED lights up and buzzer sounds 3 times.

How to reconnect:

This will reconnect the scanner to the last known paired device. To reconnect to the last known paired device, perform either of the following:

  • Press and hold the trigger button for 3 seconds.
  • OR

  • Scan a regular barcode.


To turn off the buzzer:

Scan the following barcode to turn off the buzzer.

To enable the buzzer:

Scan the following barcode to disable the buzzer.

Other information:

  • When no operation has been performed for 3 minutes, the Bluetooth connection closes automatically.
  • wait time for the Bluetooth connection (pairing) is up to 3 minutes.
  • A flashing ORANGE LED indicates a low battery level. Recharge the battery with the enclosed charger immediately.
  • When the scanner tries to connect (pair) to a host device that was previously connected, the connection may fail since the old connection information remains in the host device. Delete the scanner information from the host before making a connection (pairing).