
Revision as of 22 October 2010 18:18 by Administrator (Comments | Contribs) | (FAQ) m


I want to add the default Windows Mobile camera interface to my .NET app, so that users can take pictures. How do I do that?

This is easily accomplished by using the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms namespace in your .NET application, and using the CameraCaptureDialog class. You can use an instance of the class to show a dialog that provides exactly the same interface you'd find if you opened the camera from OS. Note that the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms DLL is not part of the .NET Compact Framework by default, and is not present on the H21 by default; you must add it as a reference to your .NET application, and deploy it with your application.

Does the H21 SDK have classes to manage and communicate via the IrDA port?

No it doesn't - Microsoft has already included classes in the .NET Compact Framework to deal with IrDA communication. See the System.Net.IrDA namespace.